A Better Way to Administrate Drupal - Part 2

As with many community-centric projects involving multiple parties, it is always difficult to juggle free time between teammates. Torn between client-centric activities and community-focused endeavors, we finally found a way to make bring all interested parties together. A group of us are all actively involved and eager to make waves in the Drupal administration game.

How to create Custom RESTful API in Drupal 8

This is a very simple module that demonstrates implementation of a custom RESTful API in Drupal 8. Creating your own API with Drupal 8 has become a routine task that doesn't require a lot of work. However there are a lot of things I am not covering in this blog post, such as user login and user registration etc...

Javascript Testing Comes to Drupal 8

With the arrival of Drupal 8.1.0 finally you can test javascript interactions on Drupal.org. This is culmination of years of work by many developers to improve the testing API and infrastructure. W...

Origin Pull CDN in Drupal 8

Origin pull CDN is a type of CDN where you don't have to upload files to the CDN server instead CDN does it for you. You only rewrite URLs to point to the CDN. When asked for a specific file, the CDN will first go to the original server, pull the file, cache and serve it